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Low Oestrogen in Your 20s? These Could be the Signs and Causes

Reading Time: 5 minutes

So you are in your 20s, and you suddenly start experiencing crippling fatigue that leaves you in bed for days. Then like clockwork, the hot flashes follow, and you find yourself waking up at night drenched in sweat. Before you know it, your monthly cycles come to a screeching halt, and you also start experiencing excessive vaginal dryness. You could use intimate moisturising oils but what happens when it becomes excessive? Does it feel like a low oestrogen symptom?

Initially, you may be pretty dismissive about this and even blame these issues on your increasing stress levels or poor lifestyle choices. Then you dig deeper — maybe your mother is experiencing menopause right now, and your symptoms look identical to hers, but since you are not even close to menopausal age, why are you feeling as if you are going through menopause?  

You may not necessarily jump into thinking that you are experiencing low oestrogen symptoms.

While low oestrogen symptoms in female is a scary thought when you are several years away from menopause, one can be affected by it at any age. There are several oestrogen deficiency symptoms you should watch out for, especially when you are unsure what might be the cause behind sudden changes in your body.

Want to recognize the signs of low oestrogen that might be throwing your hormone out of whack but not sure where to begin? Let’s look at the common low oestrogen symptoms in the 20s and what you can do to fix it.

What is oestrogen?

Oestrogen is one of two female sex hormones. It plays a crucial role in supporting a host of functions of your body —  right from mood regulation to maintaining optimum bone density. It also helps your body during puberty, keeps your monthly cycles on track, and assists you when you want to get pregnant.

Hormones, by nature, are extremely sensitive and oestrogen is no different. The levels tend to fluctuate over a woman’s lifetime, especially when your menstrual cycle begins. As a result, low oestrogen symptom in women is not an uncommon phenomenon. Ovaries, the organ that produces oestrogen, also reduce the production as you age. But consistently low levels of oestrogen are not healthy and can leave you feeling miserable.

So if you are experiencing low oestrogen symptoms in your 20s out of the blue that mimic those of menopause, it’s a telltale sign that your oestrogen levels may have gone off track.

Low Oestrogen Deficiency Symptoms – 6 Signs Of Low oestrogen to look out for

Low oestrogen in women who are in their 20s can manifest in a variety of ways.

Here are some of the common low oestrogen symptoms that you may experience:

1 – Sex is painful

Oestrogen’s job is to keep things moist down there. So a deficiency of oestrogen hormone can cause reduced vaginal lubrication, resulting in vaginal dryness and thinning of the vaginal wall.

As a result, sex may start becoming very painful for you, even with a healthy serving of lube.

2 – Changes in your periods

Are you suddenly experiencing extremely light periods with two normal flow days and very light bleeding after that? While you may feel relieved, especially if you are someone who’s worried about stocking up menstrual hygiene products to deal with a heavy flow, very light periods could be a sign of low oestrogen.

Irregular or absent periods are one of the common low oestrogen symptoms as this hormone primarily regulates the menstrual cycle. Left unchecked, it can ultimately result in issues with ovulation and fertility.

Related: Understanding and managing period with 5 P’s

3 – Frequent headaches and fatigue

Headaches and fatigue have many causes, and these days, it is extremely common to experience such conditions. Increased screen time and increased anxiety about the state of the world around us can all result in chronic headaches and leave us exhausted. You can try using herbal headache patches to reduce and relieve the pain. 

However low oestrogen symptoms in females can also cause these issues. If you’re experiencing the same type of headache every month during your cycle or you find yourself more exhausted even after clocking in 8 hours of sleep, oestrogen deficiency could be the reason.

4 – Mood swings and depressive symptoms

Mood swings are another common low oestrogen side effect. The hormone plays a vital role in regulating your neurotransmitters and stabilizes your mood. When the levels are low, you can experience extreme period mood swings.

Oestrogen is also responsible for boosting serotonin production, which keeps your mood high and wards off depressive low oestrogen symptoms. Ever been told that those sudden mood swings that you experience right before your period begins are all in your head? Turns out that if your oestrogen levels are low, feel-good hormones like serotonin and dopamine get produced in lesser quantities and leave you feeling depressed and anxious.

5 – Breasts feel tender

Adequate levels of oestrogen are essential for the proper development and functioning of breasts. Many may experience sensitivity in their breasts as a low oestrogen symptom.

If you notice tender breasts or experience a lot of pain in your breasts, your oestrogen levels may not be correct.

6 – Increased frequency of UTIs

Are you getting painful urinary tract infections too frequently? It could be an oestrogen deficiency symptom. Reduced oestrogen levels result in thinning of the urethra, which makes it easy for bacteria to move up to the bladder.

What are the causes of low oestrogen in women?

As oestrogen impacts various bodily functions, it is difficult to pinpoint a single cause of low oestrogen in women. Some of the common causes of low oestrogen in women include:

Are you aware of what causes low oestrogen in the 20s? Read on for some of the most common causes of low oestrogen in the 20s.

How Is Low oestrogen Diagnosed?

Diagnosis and treatment of low oestrogen is important as it prevents many health issues. If you notice low oestrogen symptoms, you should talk to your doctor about it for timely treatment. Post your appointment, the doctor assesses your family history, and low oestrogen symptoms, and performs a physical exam. The doctor will likely need your blood test reports to measure your hormone levels.

As a result, your FSH(follicle-stimulating hormone) levels may be tested to determine whether your oestrogen is low and if you’re experiencing the following things:

In any one of these cases, make sure to consult with your doctor and go ahead with the diagnosis.

How can I fix low oestrogen in my twenties?

Low oestrogen level is not a death sentence — you don’t have to live a miserable life forever!

You can explore natural remedies to address signs of low oestrogen. These include following a healthy and balanced diet, managing stress levels, and reducing exercising if you are overdoing it. Depending on your condition, age, and severity, your doctor may also prescribe synthetic hormone supplementation through hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

If you are experiencing low oestrogen symptoms, consult with your healthcare provider as soon as possible to chalk out the correct treatment plan.

Have you ever experienced any of the above mentioned symptoms? 

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